Candidate Toolkit

Candidate Scheduling Tool

Make a copy of the scheduling tool that appears to the right, and use this to keep track of the Job Fair events and activities. Customize your workshop and Meet and Greet schedule, and track your follow-up interviews.

Hover over the document and click on the icon in the upper right corner to open in a new tab.

Candidate Scheduling Tool

Panel Discussion (webinar )  2/27/21      10:00-10:45 AM

The Webinar Zoom link is:  

Workshops  2/27/21    11:00-12:25

Each workshop will be offered three times:

You can attend three of the four workshops being offered. Visit the Workshops page for Zoom links and offerings.

Meet and Greet   2/27/21      1:00-4:00 PM

The purpose of the "Meet and Greet" is to make a human connection with representatives from participating school districts. You will get the chance to spend about five minutes in a Zoom breakout room with a representative from the district. The goal is for both candidate and employer to get a sense of one through conversation.

Candidates are invited to sign up for a series of 5 minute meetings with districts of their choosing. Each district has a unique sign up page, so candidates must sign up directly with their desired districts. View the short video below to learn how to schedule you Meet and Greet.

When you sign up to meet with a district, you will automatically be sent an email response with the Zoom link for that District. Each district has a unique link.

LHCSPA Meet & Greet.webm

Additional Resources